Field Statistics

File Format: FITS binary table

Name:, where rrrrrr is the imaging run number, c is the column location in the Imaging Array of the CCD which acquired the data (1-6), and ffff is the field number.

Produced by: frames

Used by:

Size: 2 * 2880 + Nfields * 120 bytes, rounded up to the nearest multiple of 2880. Total of 126.72 Kb for a single frames pipeline run with 1000 fields.

Archived? Yes


Contains a statistical summary of the results of the frames pipeline for one field for a single frames pipeline run.

Primary Header

SIMPLE  =                    T                                              
BITPIX  =                    8                                                  
NAXIS   =                    0                                                  
EXTEND  =                    T                                                  
RUN     =                 xxxx / Imaging Run Number                             
CAMCOL  =                    x / Column in imaging camera                       
FIELD   =                   xx / the field reduced                              
FILTERS = 'u g r i z'          / Filters processed                              
REFCOLOR= 'r       '           / Reference Filter                               
VERSION = 'xxxx    '           / Version of software used. 
DERV_VER= 'xxxx    '                                                            
ASTR_VER= 'xxxx    '                                                            
ASTRO_ID= 'xxxx    '           / Astrometric pipeline run identifier.
BIAS_ID = 'PS      '           / Bias pipeline run identifier.            
FRAME_ID= 'xxxx    '           / Frames pipeline run identifier.      
KO_VER  = 'xxxxx   '           / Version of known object catalog used.
PS_ID   = 'xxxxx   '           / Postage stamp pipeline run identifier. 

Table Header

There is one HDU of this type. It contains the actual field statistics. There is only one entry (for the one field), thus NAXIS2 below is always 1.

BITPIX  =                    8
NAXIS   =                    2
NAXIS1  =                  500
NAXIS2  =                  XXX
PCOUNT  =                    0
GCOUNT  =                    1
TFIELDS =                   28

TFORM1  = '1J      '          
TTYPE1  = 'status  '           / Processed?
TFORM2  = '5E      '          
TTYPE2  = 'rowOffset'          / Offset to add to transformed row coordinates.
TUNIT2  = 'pixels  '          
TFORM3  = '5E      '          
TTYPE3  = 'colOffset'          / Offset to add to transformed column coordinates
TUNIT3  = 'pixels  '          
TFORM4  = '1J      '          
TTYPE4  = 'nObjects'           / Number of objects detected.
TFORM5  = '1J      '          
TTYPE5  = 'nChild  '           / Number of children in the field.
TFORM6  = '1J      '          
TTYPE6  = 'nStars  '           / Number of objects classified as stars.
TFORM7  = '1J      '          
TTYPE7  = 'nGals   '           / Number of objects classified as galaxies.
TFORM8  = '5J      '          
TTYPE8  = 'saturation_level'   / Saturation level.
TFORM9  = '5E      '          
TTYPE9  = 'neff_psf'           / Effective area of the point spread function.
TUNIT9  = 'pixels  '          
TFORM10 = '5E      '          
TTYPE10 = 'sky_psp '           / Sky from the point spread function.
TUNIT10 = 'DNs/pixel'         
TFORM11 = '5E      '          
TTYPE11 = 'sky_frames'         / Global sky value in the corrected frame.
TUNIT11 = 'DNs/pixel'         
TFORM12 = '5E      '          
TTYPE12 = 'sky_frames_sub'     / Global sky value after object subtraction.
TUNIT12 = 'DNs/pixel'         
TFORM13 = '5E      '          
TTYPE13 = 'sigPix  '           / Clipped sigma of pixel values in corrected fram
TUNIT13 = 'DNs     '          
TFORM14 = '5E      '
TTYPE14 = 'deV_ap_correction'
TFORM15 = '5E      '
TTYPE15 = 'deV_ap_correctionErr'
TFORM16 = '5E      '
TTYPE16 = 'exp_ap_correction'
TFORM17 = '5E      '
TTYPE17 = 'exp_ap_correctionErr'
TFORM18 = '5E      '
TTYPE18 = 'deV_model_ap_correction'
TFORM19 = '5E      '
TTYPE19 = 'deV_model_ap_correctionErr'
TFORM20 = '5E      '
TTYPE20 = 'exp_model_ap_correction'
TFORM21 = '5E      '
TTYPE21 = 'exp_model_ap_correctionErr'
TFORM22 = '5J      '          
TTYPE22 = 'nCR     '           / Number of cosmic rays detected on the frame.
TFORM23 = '5J      '          
TTYPE23 = 'nBrightObj'         / Number of bright objects detected.
TFORM24 = '5J      '          
TTYPE24 = 'nFaintObj'          / Number of faint objects detected.
TFORM25 = '5E      '          
TTYPE25 = 'median_fiberColor'  / Median fiber colors of objects.
TFORM26 = '5E      '          
TTYPE26 = 'median_psfColor'    / Median PSF colors of objects.
TFORM27 = '5E      '          
TTYPE27 = 'q       '           / Mean Stokes Q parameter on the frame?
TFORM28 = '5E      '          
TTYPE28 = 'u       '           / Mean Stokes U parameter on the frame?
TFORM29 = '5E      '                                                            
TTYPE29 = 'adopted_cond3_fac2'                                                  



Lists the possible enumerated values for the "status" field in HDU 1.

XTENSION= 'BINTABLE'                                                            
BITPIX  =                    8                                                  
NAXIS   =                    2                                                  
NAXIS1  =                   66                                                  
NAXIS2  =                    5                                                  
PCOUNT  =                    0                                                  
GCOUNT  =                    1                                                  
TFIELDS =                    3                                                  
TYPENAME= 'FIELD_FLAGS'                                                         
TFORM1  = '31A     '                                                            
TTYPE1  = 'defName '                                                            
TFORM2  = '31A     '                                                            
TTYPE2  = 'attributeName'                                                       
TFORM3  = '1J      '                                                            
TTYPE3  = 'Value   '