Name: opCamera-ddddd.par, where ddddd is the int(MJD).
Produced by: iop
Used by: ssc, ps, astrom
Size: < 10 Kb
Archived? Yes
mjd XXX # MJD day number of night when # data was obtained. scalef XXX.X # Telescope scale. (arcsec/mm) typedef struct { int dewarID; # Dewar ID (camCol [1-6] for photometric # dewars, 7 for leading and 8 for trailing # astrometric dewars. double xb; # Dewar hardpoint X offset from instrument # rotator rotation point, in the camera # coordinate system. (mm) double yb; # Dewar hardpoint Y offset from instrument # rotation rotation point, in the camera # coordinate system. (mm) double thetai; # Dewar rotation around its hardpoint, # positive for E through S, in the camera # coordinate system. (degrees) double sfacti; # Dewar scale correction factor relative to # camera. } DEWARGEOMETRY; typedef struct { int dewarID; # Dewar ID (camCol [1-6] for photometric # dewars, 7 for leading and 8 for trailing # astrometric dewars. int camRow; # Row in the imaging camera. int camCol; # Column in the imaging camera. double rowRef; # Row of CCD reference pixel. (unbinned # pixels) double colRef; # Column of CCD reference pixel. (unbinned # pixels) double xc; # CCD reference pixel X offset from dewar # hardpoint, in the dewar coordinate # system. (mm) double yc; # CCD reference pixel Y offset from dewar # hardpoint, in the dewar coordinate # system. (mm) double theta; # CCD rotation around the reference pixel, # positive for E through S, in the dewar # coordinate system. (degrees) double sfactc; # CCD scale correction factor relative to # its dewar's scale correction factor. double pscale; # Pixel scale. (mm/unbinned-pixel) double xmag; # Photometric zeropoint. # magnitude = -2.5 log10(counts) - xmag # (uncorrected for extinction; i.e., magnitude # at bottom of atmosphere) int rowOffset; # Row number assigned to first row read on # this CCD. i.e., Row 'rowOffset' on frame # 0 read at the same time as r' row 0, # frame 0. (unbinned pixels) int frameOffset; # Add this offset to the field number to # get the frame number for this CCD. double dRow0; # Zero-order row distortion coefficient. double dRow1; # First-order row distortion coefficient. double dRow2; # Second-order row distortion coefficient. double dRow3; # Thrid-order row distortion coefficient. double dCol0; # Zero-order column distortion coefficient. double dCol1; # First-order column distortion # coefficient. double dCol2; # Second-order column distortion # coefficient. double dCol3; # Third-order column distortion # coefficient. } CCDGEOMETRY;