
File Format: comma separated value

Name: mask-rrrrrr-c.csv, where rrrrrr is the imaging run number, c is the column location in the Imaging Array of the CCD which acquired the data (1-6).

Produced by: Huan Lin's scripts in the dp product

Used by:

Size: Approximately 1Mb for a 100-field run, per camcol.

Archived? Yes, loaded in the sx


This is a collection of polygons that are masked, for various reasons.

The columns are:

	maskId 		bigint not null, --/D Unique Id number, composed of rerun, run, camcol, field, filter, mask
	run		int not null,	--/D Run number
	rerun		int not null,	--/D Rerun number
	camcol		int not null,	--/D Camera column
	field		int not null,	--/D Field number
	mask		int not null,	--/D The object id within a field. Usually changes between reruns of the same field.
	filter		tinyint not null, --/D The enumerated filter [0..4]
	ra		float not null,	--/D J2000 right ascension (r') --/U degrees
	dec		float not null,	--/D J2000 declination (r') --/U degrees
	radius		float not null, --/D the radius of the bounding circle --/U degrees
	area		varchar(4096) not null, --/D Area descriptor for the mask object
	type		int not null, --/D enumerated type of mask --/R MaskType
	seeing		real not null, --/D seeing width --/U arcsec
	cx		float not null default(0), --/D unit vector for ra+dec
	cy		float not null default(0), --/D unit vector for ra+dec
	cz		float not null default(0), --/D unit vector for ra+dec
	htmID 		bigint not null default(0) --/D 20-deep hierarchical trangular mesh ID of this object
The enumerated mask types specified by "type" are:
      0    BLEEDING
      1    BRIGHT_STAR
      2    TRAIL
      3    HOLE
      4    SEEING
The last 4 columns (cx, cy, cz, htmID) are padded with zeros in the .csv files; actual values will be computed by Alex Szalay upon loading.

"seeing" is set to -999 for non-seeing masks (type != 4).

The algorithm for calculating maskId is as follows:

filter is [0..4], mask is [0..4096], hlin's sequential id number for the mask 
in a given filter and field

  int64 id = skyVersion;                  // leftmost bit 0, next 4 bits skyVersion
  id = id <<= 11;
  id += rerun;			          // next 11 bits for rerun number
  id = id <<= 16;
  id += run;			          // next 16 bits for run number
  id = id <<= 3;
  id += camcol;			          // next 3 bits for camcol
  id = id <<= 1;
  id += (firstField ? 1 : 0);	          // is this the first field in segment?
  id = id <<= 12;
  id += field;			          // next 12 bits for field
  id = id <<= 16;
  id += 4096*filter + masknumber;	  // next 16 bits for object number