Tiling Boundaries Full

File Format: FTCL parameter file

Name: tiBoundariesOut.par for the tile pipeline.

Produced by: tilePre

Modified by: tile

Used by: sqlServer Load

Size: Small

Archived? No, not in OPDB


As input to tile, a list of the boundaries for all targetting chunks in the drilling version of the sky. On output from tile, a list of rectangles on the sky which were tiled, where each rectangle is a piece of a targetting chunk.

The target types which are tiled are specified in the keywords primTargetMask and secTargetMask, where the bits are the same as defined for the primTarget and secTarget fields, respectively, in the tsObj file.


tilep_id       XXX            # Unique ID for tile pipeline run (output only).
version        XXX            # Version of tile pipeline used (output only).
                              # to be tiled.
typedef struct {
int chunk;
			     #also known as the tileRun number
int primTargetMask;
			     #bitmask for which targets are tiled

int secTargetMask;
			     #bitmask for which targets are tiled

int stripe;		     # Stripe number
char NSBX;		     #What is this?
int coordType;
		              # 1 = boundaries specified in survey
                              #     coordinates (lambda, eta)
                              # 2 = boundaries specified in great circle
                              #     coordinates (mu,nu)
			      # 3 = east/west boundaries specified in great
			      #     circle coordinates (mu), north/south
			      #     boundaries specified in survey
			      #     coordinates (eta)
double lambdamu[2];
			      # The east and west boundaries for this rectangle
                              # (degrees; mu if coodinates are great circle,
                              # lambda if survey)
double etanu[2];
			      # The north and south boundaries for this
                              # rectangle (degrees; nu if coodinates are great
                              # circle, eta if survey)
char targetVersion[30];
			      # Version of target selection used in this region
double firstArea;
		 	      # Area covered by the FIRST radio source cat