
File Format: FITS binary table

Name: where ss is the stripe, mmmmmm is the startMu in integer arcseconds, eeeeee is the endMu in integer arcseconds, and vvvv is the skyVersion.

Produced by: opdb

Used by: sx


Archived? yes, in the sx


Lists all spectroscopic targets selected from a given chunk. This lists only those targets that we are actually going to try and put a fiber on (i.e., no priority=0 targets). This is produced only for skyVersion=0 or skyVersion>1 (i.e., target version of sky or southern target selection versions of the sky).

Primary Header

SIMPLE  =                    T
BITPIX  =                    8
NAXIS   =                    0
EXTEND  =                    T
STRIPE  =                   XX  / Stripe number of chunk
STARTMU =               XXXXXX  / StartMu of chunk (integer arcseconds)
ENDMU   =               XXXXXX  / EndMu of chunk (integer arcseconds)
SKYVERS =                 XXXX  / 0 is main, >1 is southern

PROGRAM =         'xxxxxxxxxx'  / optional - if not main/southern

Table Header

BITPIX  =                    8
NAXIS   =                    2
NAXIS1  =                   56
NAXIS2  =                  XXX
PCOUNT  =                    0
GCOUNT  =                    1
TFIELDS =                   12
TFORM1  = '1J      '
TTYPE1  = 'run     '           / Run number id of this object
TFORM2  = '1J      '          
TTYPE2  = 'rerun   '           / Re-run id.
TFORM3  = '1J      '          
TTYPE3  = 'col     '           / Camera Column id for this object.
TFORM4  = '1J      '          
TTYPE4  = 'field   '           / Field id for this object.
TFORM5  = '1J      '
TTYPE5  = 'id      '           / Id number within field for this object.
TFORM6  = '1D      '          
TTYPE6  = 'ra      '           / J2000 RA
TUNIT6  = 'degrees '          
TFORM7  = '1D      '          
TTYPE7  = 'dec     '           / J2000 DEC
TUNIT7  = 'degrees '          
TFORM8  = '1J      '          
TTYPE8  = 'primTarget'         / primTarget in appropriate skyVersion
TFORM9  = '1J      '          
TTYPE9  = 'secTarget'          / secTarget in appropriate skyVersion
TFORM10 = '1J      '          
TTYPE10 = 'status  '           / object status in appropriate skyVersion
TFORM11 = '1J      '          
TTYPE11 = 'priority'           / target priority in appropriate skyVersion
TFORM12 = '1J      '
TTYPE12 = 'old     '           / 1=previously targeted, 0=new target